Lama Yogmaya is one of the most ancient and one of the most effective healing techniques in human evolution used by the Buddhist monks. Lama means Guru, an enlightened person. Yog means connection and Maya means illusions (ultimately it comes from Mind). Actual meaning of Lama Yogmaya means, the technique which connects us with the Buddha, God, Lama or Guru within us and develops the knowing or understanding by which we know and understand the game of mind. Maharishi Shalvik who had created symbols with the vibrations of 4,50,000. mantras. This system can provide solution to all the problems of every person who has taken birth on this earth. This healing modality was developed by DR. S.K. SAINI (Lama Fera Originator) in in the name of Yogmaya.
Swami Anant Nirakar, the first Organiser and declared Grandmaster by DR. S.K. SAINI was developed Lama Yogmaya in the guidance of the Master and grace of Lord Buddha.
In this technique, we use the vibration of 4,50,000 (four lakhs fifty thousand) mantras in the graphic version, which means symbolic language. Maharshi Shalvik converted these mantras in 450 symbols. Dr. Saini realized that around 150 symbols are related to Tantra. So, he hid those symbols and also replaced some symbols with Karuna Reiki symbols. This is the accurate system in the world which is based on the present mental state of the person.
This course can be done in two days’ workshop 2-levels each. In this course the most important part is the attunement procedure.
Lama-Yogmaya is the advanced process of Lama Fera which requires deep confidence. In Yogmaya brain receives the message at micro level which is not felt by the patient. Brain receives the message and reacts on the basis of it and the disease is cured.
The potential energy that is invisible is eternal light while the kinetic energy is referred to as Maya. This is the lord’s force of action. The two cannot be separated. Maya is the extraordinary, supernatural and mystic power of God. It is also the mother to Mother Nature. It is also synonymous with illusory, unreal or an image of reality that is deceptive. Maya makes people to view the universe as being different from the Supreme Being while the force of life goes on. The combination of universal 9 planets or guru’s energy, 5 elements energy and all the deities are what makes up Yogmaya. Yogmaya which is also referred to as “Devi” that many uses in healing sorrows, past karmas and diseases. It is a way of having access into astral science powers and spiritualism successfully.
Lama Yogmaya is very strong healing process, everyone can learn it. But a proper guidance and proper attunement with proper channel needed to active high lever energy in all over body and chakra.
This is an accurate system in the world, based on the present mental state of the person and can remove the evil plenary affecting our lives and bring positive effects. This is a powerful and accurate technique to remove almost all life problems.
This technique provides a powerful flow of energy and a deep integration for recipients. Black magic, psychic intervention, spirit intrusions, and negative vibrations are affects physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, when the five elements (Panch Bhut) in our body are imbalanced. These five elements disturbed due to imbalance of our chakras. The whole universe is combination of five basic elements. The entire Universe, whether it is stars, planets, moons, or any form of life, is made up of these five elements. The whole universe is combination of five basic elements. While making or constructing a building if all five basic elements of nature are considered, then creative energy, electrical energy, magnetic energy is produced. In buildings each direction is dominated by one element - a balanced state being the cause of positive, and an imbalanced state the cause of negative effects. Lama Yogmaya is a powerful and effective techniques to heals your psychic problems.
• It helps to find out the root cause of problem or disease. • It helps to heal the problem or illness from the root. • It removes evil or adverse planetary effects. • It removes karmic baggage. • The effect of all the past bad karmas can be removed and life becomes better. • It creates a shield against negative energies and protects you from witchcraft, black magic, etc. • It attracts health, wealth, and abundance in your life. • It helps to attain an ideal, peaceful, and successful life. • It helps to get freedom from disease, pains, obstacles, and sorrows.
There are Four Levels in Lama Yogmaya.
Part-1: 1. Physical Energy for Physical Health (Protection from the physical diseases). 2. Psychic Energy for Mental Health (Protection from psychic effects). Part-2: 1. Emotional Energy for Love and Relationship. 2. Green Energy for Financial Growth.